Office of Student Services
Thanks for visiting our Office of Student Services!
Dear Students and Families:
On behalf of the Office of Student Services, we welcome you to another great academic
year! We are excited to see our schools filled with students’ energy and enthusiasm for
On behalf of the Office of Student Services, we welcome you to another great academic
year! We are excited to see our schools filled with students’ energy and enthusiasm for
Our office oversees many student programs and services, including new student registration,
uniforms, referrals for counseling, nurses and health services, DSS referrals, Social Services,
attendance/truancy (intervention & prevention), McKinney-Vento (Homeless), Foster Care,
disciplinary hearings, DJJ support, Medical Homebound, residency issues, and referrals to local
outreach programs such as Adult Education and other community resources. Our goal is to
support students’ growth through various resources.
During the upcoming year (2024-2025), we are expanding our collaboration with local agencies
to provide more opportunities to connect with the Santee-Wateree Department of Mental Health
for counseling and Care South to continue with their mobile dental health services and Tele-
Health for those interested.
The Office of Student Services would like to encourage students to get involved in their
education by participating in the diverse programs at each school such as athletics, band,
chorus, JROTC, FBLA, FFA, Teacher Cadet, HOSA, Skills USA, Multi-Media Club, art, after school
academic sessions, and other available programs.
Parents, we invite you to be a positive, active partner in your child’s education. Maintain
frequent communication with your child’s teachers and their school to understand academic
offerings and testing for each grade. It is important to understand changes to successfully
navigate in our ever-changing society.
Working together, we can provide a working and learning environment to help students explore
interests and empower them with knowledge and skills to reach his or her potential.
We look forward to assisting you and your family throughout the year.
Office of Student Services