Policies and Forms
The Lee County School District Technology Department is overseeing development of information system security policies, standards, and procedures in an effort to protect the District’s information assets, manage risk, and ensure regulatory compliance.
Acceptable Use of Information Systems Policy
Acceptable use must be ethical, reflect academic honesty, and show responsible use in the consumption of shared resources.
Access to Sensitive Data Policy
Access to Sensitive Data requires prior authorization. Processes must be in place for the authorization, establishment, review, modification and removal of access to Sensitive Data.
Active Directory Policy
All District owned or operated computers that are compatible with Microsoft are connected to the District network and joined to the District’s network domain in Active Directory.
Antivirus Policy
All District computers must have our approved Sophos antivirus software installed and active.
Computer Logoff/Lock Policy
When leaving a computer, server, personal digital assistant, or other computing device unattended the user must manually logoff or lock the device to prevent unauthorized access to District systems or information.